Now showing items 18-25 of 25

    • Real-time Rendering and Animation of Vegetation 

      Habel, Ralf (Habel, Jan 2009)
      Vegetationsdarstellung und Animation in Echtzeitapplikationen stellen immernoch ein grosses Problem aufgrund der inhärenten Komplexität vonPanzen dar. Sowohl die geometrische Komplexität als auch der ...
    • Reconstruction and Analysis of Shapes from 3D Scans 

      Haar, Frank B. ter (Haar, 2009)
      In this thesis we use 3D laser range scans for the acquisition, reconstruction, and analysis of 3D shapes. 3D laser range scanning has proven to be a fast and effective way to capture the surface of an object in a computer. ...
    • Robust and Efficient Processing Techniques for Staticand Dynamic Geometric Data 

      Schall, Oliver (Schall, Oliver, 2009-08-28)
      Generating high quality geometric representations from real-world objects is a fundamental problem in computer graphics which is motivated bymanifold applications. They comprise image synthesis for movie productionor ...

      Dyer, Ramsay (Dyer, 2010)
      In the Euclidean plane, a Delaunay triangulation can be characterized by the requirementthat the circumcircle of each triangle be empty of vertices of all other triangles. For triangulatinga surface S in R3, the Delaunay ...
    • Semantic Visualization Mapping for Volume Illustration 

      Rautek, Peter (Rautek, Dec 2008)
      DasGebiet derwissenschaftlichenVisualisierung beschäftigt sichmit der automatisiertenGenerierung von Bildern aus wissenschaftlichen Daten. Um relevanteInformationen darzustellen, werden adäquate visuelle Abstraktionen ...
    • Techniques for Stochastic ImplicitSurface Modelling and Rendering 

      Gamito, Manuel Noronha (Gamito, Sept 2009)
      Implicit surfaces are a powerful shape primitive for computer graphics. This thesis focuseson a shape modelling approach which generates synthetic shapes by the specification of animplicit surface generating function that ...
    • Template based shape processing 

      Stoll, Carsten (Stoll, Carsten, 2009-09-30)
      As computers can only represent and process discrete data, informationgathered from the real world always has to be sampled. While it isnowadays possible to sample many signals accurately and thus generatehigh-quality ...
    • Uses of uncalibrated images to enrich3D models information 

      Dellepiane, Matteo (Dellepiane, 2009)
      La diminuzione dei costi delle fotocamere digitali semi-professionali ha portato allapossibilit per tutti di acquisire immagini ad alta definizione in modo molto semplice.Tuttavia, l interpretazione di queste immagini, ...