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Now showing items 5-9 of 9

    • Practical Parallel Rendering of Detailed Neuron Simulations 

      Hernando, Juan B.; Biddiscombe, John; Bohara, Bidur; Eilemann, Stefan; Schürmann, Felix (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      Parallel rendering of large polygonal models with transparency is challenging due to the need for alpha-correct blending and compositing, which is costly for very large models with high depth complexity and spatial overlap. ...
    • Rendering Molecular Surfaces using Order-Independent Transparency 

      Kauker, Daniel; Krone, Michael; Panagiotidis, Alexandros; Reina, Guido; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      In this paper we present a technique for interactively rendering transparent molecular surfaces. We use Puxels, our implementation of per-pixel linked lists for order-independent transparency rendering. Furthermore, we ...
    • Scalable Parallel Feature Extraction and Tracking for Large Time-varying 3D Volume Data 

      Wang, Yang; Yu, Hongfeng; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      Large-scale time-varying volume data sets can take terabytes to petabytes of storage space to store and process. One promising approach is to process the data in parallel, and then extract and analyze only features of ...
    • Scalable Seams for Gigapixel Panoramas 

      Philip, Sujin; Summa, Brian; Tierny, Julien; Bremer, Peer-Timo; Pascucci, Valerio (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      Gigapixel panoramas are an increasingly popular digital image application. They are often created as a mosaic of smaller images composited into a larger single image. The mosaic acquisition can occur over many hours causing ...
    • VtkSMP: Task-based Parallel Operators for VTK Filters 

      Ettinger, Mathias; Broquedis, F.; Gautier, T.; Ploix, S.; Raffin, Bruno (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      NUMA nodes are potentially powerful but taking benefit of their capabilities is challenging due to their architecture (multiple computing cores, advanced memory hierarchy). They are nonetheless one of the key components ...