Now showing items 11953-11972 of 17315

    • Prototipagem Rápida de Ambientes de Hiper-Realidade Virtual 

      Martinho, Carlos; Proença, José A.; Sepúlveda, Tiago; Gomes, Mário Rui (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
      Neste artigo é descrito o GA VE, um módulo que proporciona a navegação em espaços de hiper-realidade virtual construídos semi-automaticamente. Por hiper-realidade virtual entende-se uma rede de espaços tridimensionais ...
    • Prototipagem rápida de ambientes ubíquos 

      Silva, José Luís; Ribeiro, Óscar R.; Fernandes, João M.; Campos, José Creissac; Harrison, Michael D. (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      A experiência de utilização de ambiente ubíquos é um factor determinante no seu sucesso. As características de tais sistemas devem ser exploradas o mais cedo possível para antecipar potenciais problemas de utilização por ...
    • Prototipagem rápida de ferramentas de autoria para Computação Gráfica - Arquitectura RCP Eclipse 

      Rebelo, Carlos; Coelho, António; Cruz, Filipe; Sousa, António de; Ferreira, Fernando (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      A modelação de ambientes urbanos virtuais é uma necessidade cada vez mais presente no grande público. Exemplos como o Google Earth mostram o seu potencial num mercado de massas, até agora desconhecedor deste tipo de ...
    • A Prototype Holographic Augmented Reality Interface for Image-Guided Prostate Cancer Interventions 

      Morales Mojica, Cristina M.; Velazco Garcia, Jose D.; Navkar, Nikhil V.; Balakrishnan, Shidin; Abinahed, Julien; El Ansari, Walid; Al-Rumaihi, Khalid; Darweesh, Adham; Al-Ansari, Abdulla; Gharib, Mohamed; Karkoub, Mansour; Leiss, Ernst L.; Seimenis, Ioannis; Tsekos, Nikolaos V. (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Motivated by the potential of holographic augmented reality (AR) to offer an immersive 3D appreciation of morphology and anatomy, the purpose of this work is to develop and assess an interface for image-based planning of ...
    • Prototype Modeling from Sketched Silhouettes based on Convolution Surfaces 

      Tai, Chiew-Lan; Zhang, Hongxin; Fong, Jacky Chun-Kin (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2004)
      This paper presents a hybrid method for creating three-dimensional shapes by sketching silhouette curves. Given a silhouette curve, we approximate its medial axis as a set of line segments, and convolve a linearly weighted ...
    • A Prototype of a Cooperative Visualization Workplace for the Aerodynamicist 

      Pagendarm, H.-G.; Walter, B. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1993)
      Several feasibility studies for cooperative visualization were performed based on an existing modular visualization system. Two different architectures for the implementation of a cooperative system were identified, ...
    • A Prototype of a Scalable Multi-GPU Molecular Dynamics Simulator for Large Molecular Systems 

      Nicolas-Barreales, Gonzalo; Novalbos, Marcos; Otaduy, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez, Alberto (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Parallel architectures, in the form of multi-core or multiple computers, have produced a major impact in the field of information technology. GPU devices, as an extreme example of parallel architectures, have been adapted ...
    • Prototype of an Automatic Registration System for the Remains of Archaeological Sites 

      Ruiz, José Luis López; Alvarado, Lidia Ortega; Higueruela, Francisco Ramón Feito (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
      Data acquisition in archaeological excavations is a time consuming task developed on site that must be completed later with the information stored in the database. In this paper, we introduce the work in progress for the ...
    • A Prototype of Virtual Reality System for the Visualization, Exploration and Modeling of Huge Point Clouds 

      Ortega-Donaire, José; Segura-Sánchez, Rafael Jesús; Ogáyar-Anguita, Carlos-Javier; Rueda-Ruiz, Antonio Jesús (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      The use of specific techniques for the management and visualization of huge point clouds is necessary to solve the drawbacks of inefficiency derived from the size of the dataset and the techniques used to visualize it. ...
    • Prototype to Control a Mid-air CG Character Using Motion Capture Data of a Plush Toy 

      Fukuoka, Miyu; Ando, Shohei; Koizumi, Naoya (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      We propose an integrated operation system that combines puppet motion capture and human body movements to easily control various movements of a mid-air CG character. The proposed method addresses the problems in controlling ...
    • Prototyping Care: Two Case Studies 

      Clay, Arthur; Trumpy, Giorgio; Weinmann, Michael; Wetzel, Richard (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
      To enable a richer presentation of cultural heritage and its needs, a shift in how artworks are exhibited is necessary. This paper explores two case studies that highlight the significant role of reproductions in showcasing ...
    • Provably Good 2D Shape Reconstruction from Unorganized Cross-Sections 

      Memari, Pooran; Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008)
      This paper deals with the reconstruction of 2-dimensional geometric shapes from unorganized 1-dimensional cross-sections. We study the problem in its full generality following the approach of Boissonnat and Memari [BM07] ...
    • Provably Good Surface Sampling and Approximation 

      Boissonnat, J-D.; Oudot, S. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present an algorithm for meshing surfaces that is a simple adaptation of a greedy "farthest point" technique proposed by Chew. Given a surface S, it progressively adds points on S and updates the 3-dimensional Delaunay ...
    • Providing Multimedia Tools for Recording, Reconstruction, Visualisation and Database Storage/Access of Archaeological Excavations 

      Cosmas, J.; Itegaki, T.; Green, D.; Joseph, N.; Gool, L. Van; Zalesny, A.; Vanrintel, D.; Leberl, F.; Grabner, M.; Schindler, K.; Karner, K.; Gervautz, M.; Hynst, S.; Waelkens, M.; Vergauwen, M.; Pollefeys, M.; Cornelis, K.; Vereenooghe, T.; Sablatnig, R.; Kampel, M.; Axell, P.; Meyns, E. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Over the years archaeologists have been swift to embrace new advances in technology that allow them to more comprehensively document the results of their work. Today it is commonplace to find information technologies, in ...
    • ProxiLens: Interactive Exploration of High-Dimensional Data using Projections 

      Heulot, N.; Aupetit, M.; Fekete, J-D. (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      As dimensionality increases, analysts are faced with difficult problems to make sense of their data. In exploratory data analysis, multidimensional scaling projections can help analyst to discover patterns by identifying ...
    • Proximity Graphs for Defining Surfaces over Point Clouds 

      Klein, Jan; Zachmann, Gabriel (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      We present a new definition of an implicit surface over a noisy point cloud. It can be evaluated very fast, but, unlike other definitions based on the moving least squares approach, it does not suffer from artifacts. In ...
    • Proxy Clouds for RGB-D Stream Processing: A Preview 

      Kaiser, Adrien; Zepeda, José Alonso Ybanez; Boubekeur, Tamy (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Modern consumer depth cameras are widely used for 3D capture in indoor environments, for applications such as modeling, robotics or gaming. Nevertheless, their use is limited by their low resolution, with frames often ...
    • Proxy Painting 

      Lange, Vanessa; Kurth, Philipp; Keinert, Benjamin; Boss, Martin; Stamminger, Marc; Bauer, Frank (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      For archaeologists it is often desireable to present statues in their original coloration. With projection mapping real-world surfaces are augmented by digital content to create compelling alterations of the scene's visual ...
    • Proxy Simulations for Efficient Dynamics 

      Chenney, Stephen; Arikan, Okan; Forsyth, D. A. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Proxy simulations reduce the cost of simulation in large virtual worlds, such as those used in training simulations or computer games. A proxy takes the place of an accurate simulation for objects that are out of view, ...
    • Proxy-guided Image-based Rendering for Mobile Devices 

      Reinert, Bernhard; Kopf, Johannes; Ritschel, Tobias; Cuervo, Eduardo; Chu, David; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      VR headsets and hand-held devices are not powerful enough to render complex scenes in real-time. A server can take on the rendering task, but network latency prohibits a good user experience. We present a new image-based ...