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Now showing items 19-20 of 20

    • Using Semi-automatic 3D Scene Reconstruction to Create a Digital Medieval Charnel Chapel 

      Shui, Wuyang; Maddock, Steve; Heywood, Peter; Craig-Atkins, Elizabeth; Crangle, Jennifer; Hadley, Dawn; Scott, Rab (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      The use of a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) has become a popular technique for the acquisition of 3D scenes in the fields of cultural heritage and archaeology. In this study, a semi-automatic reconstruction technique is ...
    • Volumetric Spot Noise for Procedural 3D Shell Texture Synthesis 

      Pavie, Nicolas; Gilet, Guillaume; Dischler, Jean-Michel; Galin, Eric; Ghazanfarpour, Djamchid (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      In this paper, we present an extension of the Locally Controlled Spot Noise and a visualization pipeline for volumetric fuzzy details synthesis. We extend the noise model to author volumetric fuzzy details using filtered ...