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Now showing items 26-27 of 27

    • Virtual Modelling 

      Kiss, Szilárd; Nijholt, Anton; Zwiers, Job (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We concentrate our efforts on building virtual modelling environments where the content creator uses controls (widgets) as an interactive adjustment modality for the properties of the edited objects. Besides the advantage ...
    • VR Game Interfaces for Interaction onto 3D Display 

      Choi, Jeong-Dan; Jang, Byung-Tae; Hwang, Chi-Jeong (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper describes the VR game interfaces for interaction onto 3D display. The challenge we are interested in is how to build and use a low cost 3D display that satisfies semi-immersive requirements and how to coordinate ...