Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Exploiting Local Orientation Similarity for Efficient Ray Traversal of Hair and Fur 

      Woop, Sven; Benthin, Carsten; Wald, Ingo; Johnson, Gregory S.; Tabellion, Eric (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Hair and fur typically consist of a large number of thin, curved, and densely packed strands which are difficult to ray trace efficiently. A tight fitting spatial data structure, such as a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH), ...
    • High-Performance Rendering of Realistic Cumulus Clouds Using Pre-computed Lighting 

      Yusov, Egor (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      We present a new method for rendering realistic cumulus clouds in real time. The clouds in our approach consist of randomly rotated and scaled copies of a single reference particle. During the pre-processing, we pre-compute ...
    • Layered Reflective Shadow Maps for Voxel-based Indirect Illumination 

      Sugihara, Masamichi; Rauwendaal, Randall; Salvi, Marco (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      We introduce a novel voxel-based algorithm that interactively simulates both diffuse and glossy single-bounce indirect illumination. Our algorithm generates high quality images similar to the reference solution while using ...
    • Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces from Object Collisions 

      Schäfer, Henry; Keinert, Benjamin; Nießner, Matthias; Buchenau, Christoph; Guthe, Michael; Stamminger, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      We present a novel real-time approach for fine-scale surface deformations resulting from collisions. Deformations are represented by a high-resolution displacement function. When two objects collide, these offsets are ...
    • Reduced Precision for Hardware Ray Tracing in GPUs 

      Keely, Sean (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      We propose a high performance, GPU integrated, hardware ray tracing system. We present and make use of a new analysis of ray traversal in axis aligned bounding volume hierarchies. This analysis enables compact traversal ...