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Now showing items 16-18 of 18

    • Sense-Enabled Mixed Reality Museum Exhibitions 

      Liarokapis, Fotis; Newman, Robert M.; Mount, Sarah; Goldsmith, Dan; Macan, Luis; Malone, Garry; Shuttleworth, James (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      During the past few years museums and other cultural heritage institutions have started making use of handheld technologies to provide tourist guides to their visitors. For open-air sites, a number of experimental and ...
    • Shape Capture Assisted by Traditional Tools 

      Rushmeier, Holly; Xu, Chen; Wang, Bing; Rushmeier, Russell; Dorsey, Julie (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      We present new techniques for capturing the shape of physical objects using simple tools. From a set of caliper distance measurements between object points, we reconstruct a three dimensional structure. We show that we can ...
    • Using 3D Scanning to Analyze a Proposal for the Attribution of a Bronze Horse to Leonardo da Vinci 

      Dellepiane, Matteo; Callieri, Marco; Fondersmith, Mark; Cignoni, Paolo; Scopigno, Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      In this paper we present how technologies developed in the context of 3D graphics (3D scanning and image-to- 3D-model mapping) have been used to evaluate in a metrically objective way the plausibility of an attribution ...