Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments: Posters 2008

Makita, Koji; Kanbara, M.; Yokoya, N.
Visible Portion Estimation of Moving Target Objects for Networked Wearable Augmented Reality

Steiner, Marc; Reiter, Phillipp; Ofenböck, Christian; Settgast, Volker; Ullrich, Torsten; Lancelle, Marcelle; Fellner, Dieter W.
Intuitive Navigation in Virtual Environments

Vetter, Michael; Manten, Sebastian; Olbrich, Stephan
Exploring Unsteady Flows by Parallel Extraction of Property-enhanced Pathlines and Interactive Post-filtering

Sakai, Masahiro; Ichijo, Noriyuki; Dobashi, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Tshuyoshi
Improvement Rendering of Web3D Using the Shading Language

Adamo-Villani, Nicoletta; Wilbur, Ronnie B.
Effects of Platform (Immersive versus Non-immersive) on Usability and Enjoyment of a Virtual Learning Environment for Deaf and Hearing Children

Santos, B. Sousa; Dias, P.; Silva, S.; Capucho, L.; Salgado, N.; Lino, F.; Carvalho, V.; Ferreira, C.
Usability Evaluation in Virtual Reality: A User Study Comparing Three Different Setups

Trutoiu, Laura C.; Ownby, Caitlin; Shirley, Peter; Thompson, William
Drawing the Gaps: Graphical Methods for Representing Geospatial and Temporal Uncertainty with Cultural Artifacts

Steinicke, Frank; Welzel, Hanno; Bruder, Gerd; Hinrichs, Klaus
A User Guidance Approach for Passive Haptic Environments

Ahmed, Hussein M.; Gracanin, Denis; Abdel-Hamid, Ayman; Matkovic, Kresimir
An Approach to Interaction Interoperability for Distributed Virtual Environments

Smelik, Ruben M.; Tutenel, Tim; Kraker, Klaas Jan de; Bidarra, Rafael
A Proposal for a Procedural Terrain Modelling Framework