Wientapper, Folker
Optimal Spatial Registration of SLAM for Augmented Reality

Brandt, Christopher
Model Reduction for Interactive Geometry Processing

Getto, Roman
Parametric Procedural Models for 3D Object Retrieval, Classification and Parameterization

Konakovic Lukovic, Mina
Computational Design of Auxetic Shells

Leimkühler, Thomas
Artificial Intelligence for Efficient Image-based View Synthesis

Aksoy, Yagiz
Soft Segmentation of Images

Robertini, Nadia
Model-based human performance capture in outdoor scenes

Serrano, Ana
Advances on computational imaging, material appearance, and virtual reality

Toisoul, Antoine
Practical Measurement-based Modeling and Rendering of Surface Diffraction

Müller, Thomas
Efficient Light-Transport Simulation Using Machine Learning

Skrodzki, Martin Dr.
Neighborhood Data Structures, Manifold Properties, and Processing of Point Set Surfaces

Herholz, Philipp
Locally Solving Linear Systems for Geometry Processing

Hedman, Peter
Viewpoint-Free Photography for Virtual Reality

Monszpart, Aron
3D scene analysis through non-visual cues

Wang, Yangtuanfeng
Generating High-quality 3D Assets from Easy-to-access 2D content

Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian
GPU Data Structures and Code Generation for Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization

Pellis, Davide
Quad Meshes as Optimized Architectural Freeform Structures

Deschaintre, Valentin
Lightweight material acquisition using deep learning

Iseringhausen, Julian Dr.
Revealing the Invisible: On the Extraction of Latent Information from Generalized Image Data