Single Chip Hardware Support for Rasterization and Texture Mapping

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The Eurographics Association
Today's interactive 3D-applications on Pes demand efficient hardware support for functionality, e.g. shading and texture mapping. In this paper, I present an ASIC that integrates most of the 3D-reIated functionality defined in Intel's de-facto standard 3DR. As the chip was designed for real time environmental simulation systems, the main focus has been on texture mapping, which provides the most natural appearance at a moderate effort level. To avoid artifacts during texture mapping, the chip performs bi- or tri-linear blending on a MIPmap structure. Texture addresses are calculated perspective correct. A crucial problem concerning the tri-linear blending is the necessary data bandwidth between ASIC and the texture buffer. Therefore, I discuss several memory types and architectures for the texture buffer depending on performance, price and board space requirements. A short overview of different system architectures using the ASIC concludes the paper.

, booktitle = {
Tenth Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware
}, editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
Single Chip Hardware Support for Rasterization and Texture Mapping
}}, author = {
Ackermann, Hans-Josef
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISSN = {
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }