Skipping Spheres: SDF Scaling & Early Ray Termination for Fast Sphere Tracing

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The Eurographics Association
This paper presents a rapid rendering pipeline for sphere tracing Signed Distance Functions (SDFs), showcasing a notable boost in performance compared to the current state-of-the-art. Existing methods endeavor to reduce the ray step count by adjusting step size using heuristics or by rendering multiple intermediate lower-resolution buffers to pre-calculate non-salient pixels at reduced quality. However, the accelerated performance with low-resolution buffers often introduces artifacts compared to fully sphere-traced scenes, especially for smaller features, which might go unnoticed altogether. Our approach significantly reduces steps compared to prior work while minimising artifacts. We accomplish this based on two key observations and by employing a single low-resolution buffer: Firstly, we perform SDF scaling in the low-resolution buffer, effectively enlarging the footprint of the implicit surfaces when rendered in low resolution, ensuring visibility of all SDFs. Secondly, leveraging the low-resolution buffer rendering, we detect when a ray converges to high-cost surface edges and can terminate sphere tracing earlier than usual, further reducing step count. Our method achieves a substantial performance improvement (exceeding 3× in certain scenes) compared to previous approaches, while minimizing artifacts, as demonstrated in our visual fidelity evaluation.

CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Rendering

, booktitle = {
Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC)
}, editor = {
Hunter, David
Slingsby, Aidan
}, title = {{
Skipping Spheres: SDF Scaling & Early Ray Termination for Fast Sphere Tracing
}}, author = {
Polychronakis, Andreas
Koulieris, George Alex
Mania, Katerina
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }