Now showing items 1-20 of 39

    • Interactive 3D Rendering and Visualization in Networked Environments 

      Martin, Ioana M.; Klosowski, James T.; Horn, William P. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Efficient delivery of 3D graphics over networks is becoming increasingly important for a number of applications, ranging from industrial design and manufacturing to entertainment. As companiesmake the transition from a ...
    • Dealing with Shape Complexity for Internet Access and Graphic Applications 

      Rossignac, Jarek (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Standard representations of 3D models are so verbose that only very simple models can be accessed over common communication links for immediate viewing. This situation is not likely to improve, since the need for more ...
    • The modelling of growing natural forms 

      Jones, Huw; Kaandorp, Jaap (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      The tutorial introduces a variety of ways of modelling branching biological structures. Methods for generating plant like images, such as Diffusion Limited Aggregation and Iterated Function Systems are briefly discussed. ...
    • Geometric Modeling Based on Polygonal Meshesv 

      Kobbelt, Leif P.; Bischoff, Stephan; Botsch, Mario; Kähler, Kolja; Rössl, Christian; Schneider, Robert; Vorsatz, Jens (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      While traditional computer aided design (CAD) is mainly based on piecewise polynomial surface representations, the recent advances in the efficient handling of polygonal meshes have made available a set of powerful techniques ...
    • Volume Visualization and Volume Rendering Techniques 

      Meißner, M.; Pfister, H.; Westermann, R.; Wittenbrink, C.M. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      There is a wide range of devices and scientific simulation generating volumetric data. Visualizing such data, ranging from regular data sets to scattered data, is a challenging task. This course will give an introduction ...
    • Framework Technologies and Methods for Large Data Visualization 

      Hewitt, W. T.; Curington,Ian (Eurographics Association, 2000)
    • Shadow Computation: A Unified Perspective 

      Ghali, S.; Fiume, E.; Seidel, H.-P. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Methods for solving shadow problems by solving instances of visibility problems have long been known and exploited. There are, however, other potent uses of such a reduction of shadow problems, several of which we explore ...
    • Geometric Signal Processing on Polygonal Meshes 

      Taubin, G. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Very large polygonal models, which are used in more and more graphics applications today, are routinely generated by a variety of methods such as surface reconstruction algorithms from 3D scanned data, isosurface construction ...
    • Interactive Display of Global Illumination Solutions for Non-Diffuse Environments 

      Heidrich, Wolfgang (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      In recent years there has been a lot of work on interactively displaying global illumination solutions for nondiffuse environments. This is an extremely active field of research, in which a lot of different approaches have ...
    • Visual Perception in Realistic Image Synthesis 

      McNamara, A.; Chalmers, A.; Trocianko, T. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Realism is often a primary goal in computer graphics imagery, we strive to create images that are perceptually indistinguishable from an actual scene. Rendering systems can now closely approximate the physical distribution ...
    • Recent Advances in Visualization of Volumetric Data 

      Brodlie, Ken; Wood, Jason (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      In the past few years, there have been key advances in the three main approaches to the visualization of volumetric data: isosurfacing, slicing and volume rendering, which together make up the field of volume visualization. ...
    • The 3D Model Acquisition Pipeline 

      Bernardini, Fausto; Rushmeier, Holly (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Three-dimensional image acquisition systems are rapidly becoming more affordable, especially systems based on commodity electronic cameras. At the same time, personal computers with graphics hardware capable of displaying ...
    • ALOHA : Adaptive Level Of Detail for Human Animation Towards a new framework 

      Giang, Thanh; Mooney, Robert; Peters, Christopher; Sullivan, Carol O. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      The task of animating and rendering virtual humans in real-time is challenging. One must first establish a sense of realism through appearance, and then maintain this realism through correct and plausible motion, while ...
    • An Accurate Illumination Model for Objects Coated with Multilayer Films 

      Hirayama, H.; Kaneda, K.; Yamashita, H.; Monden, Y. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      This paper proposes an accurate illumination model for rendering objects coated with multilayer films. Optical phenomenaof multilayer films are caused by reflection, refraction, interference, and absorption of light inside ...
    • MeshSweeper: From Closest Point to Hausdorff Distance Between Meshes 

      Gueziec, A. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      We introduce a new algorithm for computing the distance from a point to an arbitrary polygonal mesh. Our algorithm uses a multi-resolution hierarchy of bounding volumes generated by geometric simplification. Our algorithm ...
    • Visibility Complexity of a Region in Flatland 

      Rigau, Jaume; Feixas, Miquel; Sbert, Mateu (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      The aim of this paper is to study the visibility complexity of different regions in a 2D scene. Based on mutual information, which we used in our previous work to define scene complexity, we propose two measures that ...
    • A Facial Repertoire for Animation 

      ten Hagen, Paul J. W. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Character design and facial animation of characters is among the most tedious parts of creation of animations. In contrast to body animations, performer data have not been successfully used for faces. The CharToon system ...
    • Volumetric Textures 

      Gonzalez Clua, Esteban W.; Dreux, Marcelo (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      There are some types of nature elements that are adequately represented in Computer Graphics only through volumes. In order to visualize scenes with volumes, together with geometrical objects, it is necessary to make use ...
    • Interactive Modelling of Convolution Surfaces with an Extendable User Interface 

      Goto, Yuichiro; Pasko, Alexander (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Convolution surfaces enable the user to model complex free-form shapes. Due to analytical solutions for some kernel functions and skeletal elements, it is possible to model convolution surfaces interactively. An extendable ...
    • Imaging Geometry for Concentric Mosaics 

      Watson, G. C.; Vaughan, N.; Wright, M. W. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Image-based models of environments can be captured with the use of a rotating video camera. In this paper we consider the nature of the display to develop a simple quantitative measure of the quality of ray sampling which ...