VG01: Volume Graphics Workshop 2001
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Parallelizing the ZSWEEP Algorithm for Distributed-Shared Memory Architectures
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Accelerating Voxel-Based Terrain Rendering with Keyframe-Free Image-Based Rendering
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Translucent and Opaque Direct Volume Rendering for Virtual Endoscopy Applications
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BibTeX (VG01: Volume Graphics Workshop 2001)
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/001-015,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Refraction in Discrete Ray Tracing}},author = {Rodgman, DavidandChen, Min}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/001-015}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/035-050,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Splatting With Shadows}},author = {Nulkar, ManjushreeandMueller, Klaus}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/035-050}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/017-033,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Data Level Comparison of Surface Classification and Gradient Filters}},author = {Kim, KwansikandWittenbrink, Craig M.andPang, Alex}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/017-033}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/067-079,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Volume Graphics Modeling of Ice Thawing}},author = {Fujishiro, IsseiandAoki, Etsuko}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/067-079}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/081-101,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{A Survey of Methods for Volumetric Scene Reconstruction from Photographs}},author = {Slabaugh, GregandCulbertson, BruceandMalzbender, TomandSchafer, Ron}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/081-101}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/051-066,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{A Study of Transfer Function Generation for Time-Varying Volume Data}},author = {Jankun-Kelly, T.J.andMa, Kwan-Liu}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/051-066}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/119-132,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{A Technique for Volumetric CSG based on Morphology}},author = {Baerentzen, A.andChristensen, N. J.}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/119-132}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/163-181,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{An Architecture For Interactive Tetrahedral Volume Rendering}},author = {King, DavisandWittenbrink, Craig M.andWolters, Hans J.}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/163-181}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/133-148,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{vlib: A Volume Graphics API}},author = {Winter, Andrew S.andChen, Min}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/133-148}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/103-117,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{A Volume Modeling Component of CAD}},author = {Jianwen, ZhouandFeng, LinandSoon, Seah Hock}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/103-117}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/149-161,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Efficient Space Leaping for Ray casting Architectures}},author = {Meißner, M.andDoggett, M.andHirche, J.andKanus, U.}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/149-161}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/195-209,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Hybrid Distance Field Computation}},author = {Satherley, RichardandJones, Mark W.}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/195-209}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/183-194,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Parallelizing the ZSWEEP Algorithm for Distributed-Shared Memory Architectures}},author = {Farias, RicardoandSilva, Claudio T.}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/183-194}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/223-235,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Topology-Guided Downsampling}},author = {Kraus, MartinandErtl, Thomas}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/223-235}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/211-222,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Visualization of Labeled Segments Cross-Contour Surfaces}},author = {Tost, DaniandPuig, Anna}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/211-222}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/237-251,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Extracting Boundary Surface of Arbitrary Topology from Volumetric Datasets}},author = {Duan, YeandQin, Hong}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/237-251}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/253-267,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Segmentation of Biological Volume Datasets Using a Level-Set Framework}},author = {Whitaker, RossandBreen, DavidandMuseth, KenandSoni, Neha}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/253-267}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/269-279,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Correction of Voxelization Artifacts by Revoxelization}},author = {Sramek, MilosandDimitrov, Leonid I.andBærentzen, J. Andreas}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/269-279}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/281-299,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Image-Based Rendering of Surfaces from Volume Data}},author = {Chen, BaoquanandKaufman, ArieandTang, Qingyu}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/281-299}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/301-313,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Accelerating Voxel-Based Terrain Rendering with Keyframe-Free Image-Based Rendering}},author = {Qin, JiafaandMingWan,andQu, HuaminandKaufman, Arie}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/301-313}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/345-353,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Volume Visualization of Payoff Regions for Derivatives Risk Management}},author = {Fei, Tan TohandPrakash, Edmond Cyril}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/345-353}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/329-344,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Two-Pass Image and Volume Rotation}},author = {Chen, BaoquanandKaufman, Arie}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/329-344}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/315-327,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Hierarchical Perspective Volume Rendering Using Triangle Fans}},author = {Schussman, GregandMax, Nelson}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/315-327}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/355-367,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{EXOMIO: A 3D Simulator for External Beam Radiotherapy}},author = {Karangelis, GrigoriosandZamboglou, NikolaosandBaltas, DimosandSakas, Georgios}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/355-367}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/369-381,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Real-Time Volume Rendering for Virtual ColonoscopyS}},author = {Li, WeiandKaufman, ArieandKreeger, Kevin}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/369-381}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/383-394,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{Translucent and Opaque Direct Volume Rendering for Virtual Endoscopy Applications}},author = {Meißner, MichaelandBartz, Dirk}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/383-394}}
@inproceedings{:10.2312/VG/VG01/395-409,booktitle = {Volume Graphics},editor = {K. Mueller and A. Kaufman}, title = {{A Framework to Visualize and Interact with Multimodal Medical Images}},author = {Manssour, IsabelandFuruie, SergioandNedel, LucianaandFreitas, Carla}, year = {2001},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {1727-8376},ISBN = {3-211-83737-X},DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG01/395-409}}