EG 2018 - Posters
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A Smart Palette for Helping Novice Painters to Mix Physical Watercolor Pigments
A Probabilistic Motion Planning Algorithm for Realistic Walk Path Simulation
Presenting a Deep Motion Blending Approach for Simulating Natural Reach Motions
Introducing a Modular Concept for Exchanging Character Animation Approaches
Towards Self-Perception in Augmented Virtuality: Hand Segmentation with Fully Convolutional
Human Sensitivity to Light Zones in Virtual Scenes
Smoothing Noisy Skeleton Data in Real Time
A Drink in Mars: an Approach to Distributed Reality
RIFNOM: 3D Rotation-Invariant Features on Normal Maps
Light Field Synthesis from a Single Image using Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial
Growing Circles: A Region Growing Algorithm for Unstructured Grids and Non-aligned
Audio-driven Emotional Speech Animation
Exemplar Based Filtering of 2.5D Meshes of Faces
A Multifragment Renderer for Material Aging Visualization
Boundary-aided Human Body Shape and Pose Estimation from a Single Image for Garment Design
and Manufacture
Style Translation to Create Child-like Motion
A Virtual Space with Real IoT Data
From Spectra to Perceptual Color: Visualization Tools for the Dimensional Reduction
Achieved by the Human Color Sense