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dc.contributor.authorCsebfalvi, Balazsen_US
dc.contributor.editorGröller, E., Löffelmann, H., Ribarsky, W.en_US
dc.identifier.issnEG: 1727-5296en_US
dc.identifier.issnSpringer: 0946-2767en_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a fast volume rotation technique based on binary shear-warp factorization. Unlike many acceleration algorithms this method does not trade image quality for speed and does not require any specialized hardware either. In order to skip precisciy the empty regions along the rays to be evaluated a binary volume is generated indicating the locations of the transparent cells. This mask is rotated by an incremental binary shear transformation, executing bitwisc boolean operations on integers storing the bits of the binary volume. The ray casting is accelerated using the transformed mask and an appropriate lookup-table technique for finding the first non-transparent cell along each ray.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer and The Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.titleFast Volume Rotation using Binary Shear-Warp Factorizationen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationVisSym99: Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualizationen_US

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