Recent Submissions

  • The Shortest Way to Draw a Connected Picture 

    Seebold, Patrice; Slowinski, Karine (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1991)
    With any word over the alphabet ?=r, r?, u, u, we associate a connected picture in the following manner: the reading of each letter of this word induces a unit line: r (r?, u, u respectively) stands for a right (left, up, ...
  • Million-Point Sculptures 

    Pickover, Cliff (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1991)
    Visually interesting chaotic attractors resembling sculpture are described.
  • From Math Comes Beauty: Monkey Curves, Spirals, and Saddles 

    Pickover, C. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1991)
    This informal note presents computational recipes for producing visually interesting surfaces.
  • Control Points for Multivariate B-Spline Surfaces over Arbitrary Triangulations 

    Fong, Philip; Seidel, Hans-Peter (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1991)
    This paper describes first results of a test implementation that implements the new multivariate B-splines as recently developed by Dahmen et al. 10for quadratics and cubics. The surface scheme is based on blending functions ...
  • Object-Oriented Data Modelling for Graphics Databases: a Declarative Approach 

    Bhalla, Neelam; Balasundaram, S. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1991)
    This paper presents a new scheme to integrate the declarative approach to graphics and object-oriented data modelling techniques to form a fruitful symbiosis for constraint-based graphics database systems. It has rich ...
  • Development of an Intelligent Wheelchair Using Computer Graphics Animation and Simulation 

    Ojala, Jari; Inoue, Kenji; Sasaki, Ken; Takano, Masaharu (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1991)
    A new robot simulator JC-1 is used as a control software development tool in a project in progress where an intelligent wheelchair for a blind user is being developed. The intelligent wheelchair is planned to be able to ...