Now showing items 21-40 of 43

    • Stability and Homotopy of a Subset of the Medial Axis 

      Chazal, F.; Lieutier, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Medial Axis is known to be unstable for non smooth objects. The Medial Axis has applications in image analysis and mathematical morphology, Solid Modeling, or domain decomposition for CAD to CAE (i.e. Finite Elements) ...
    • Contour Interpolation with Bounded Dihedral Angles 

      Bereg, S.; Jiang, M.; Zhu, B. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      In this paper, we present the first nontrivial theoretical bound on the quality of the 3D solids generated by any contour interpolation method. Given two arbitrary parallel contour slices with n vertices in 3D, let a be ...
    • Progressive Dimension-Independent Boolean Operations 

      Paoluzzi, A.; Pascucci, V.; Scorzelli, G. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      This paper introduces a new progressive multi-resolution approach for representating and processing polyhedral objects of any dimension. Our representation, a variant of BSP trees [Nay90] combined with the Split scheme ...
    • History Based Reactive Objects for Immersive CAD 

      Convard, T.; Bourdot, P. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Virtual Environments (VE) allow direct 3D interaction, better perception of shapes and a feel of immersion, properties that are highly desirable for design tasks. Traditional CAD software extensively use WIMP interfaces ...
    • Efficient Processing of 3D Scanned Models 

      Scopigno, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      The construction of detailed and accurate 3D models is made easier by the increasing diffusion of automatic sampling devices (often called 3D scanners). These allow to build digital models of real 3D objects in a cost- and ...
    • Shortest Circuits with Given Homotopy in a Constellation 

      Michelucci, D.; Neveu, M. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Abstract A polynomial method is described for computing the shortest circuit with a prescribed homotopy on a surface. The surface is not described by a mesh but by a constellation: a set of sampling points. Points close ...
    • Developability-preserved Free-form Deformation of Assembled Patches 

      Wang, C. C. L.; Tang, K. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      A novel and practical approach is presented in this paper that solves a constrained free-form deformation (FFD) problem where the developability of the tessellated embedded surface patches is preserved during the lattice ...
    • Implicit Curve and Surface Design Using Smooth Unit Step Functions 

      Li, Q. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      This paper presents an implicit curve and surface design technique that uses smooth unit step functions. With the proposed method, an implicit curve or surface can be generated by inputting a sequence of points together ...
    • Optimization Techniques for Approximation with Subdivision Surfaces 

      Marinov, M.; Kobbelt, L. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      We present a method for scattered data approximation with subdivision surfaces which actually uses the true representation of the limit surface as a linear combination of smooth basis functions associated with the control ...
    • Planar Parameterization for Closed Manifolds Genus-1 Meshes 

      Steiner, D.; Fischer, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Parameterization of 3D meshes is important for many graphics and CAD applications, in particular for texture mapping, re-meshing and morphing. Current parameterization methods for closed manifold genus-n meshes usually ...
    • Shape Similarity Measurement Using Ray Distances for Mass Customization 

      Hwang, T. J.; Lee, K.; Jeong, J. H.; Oh, H. Y. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Custom-tailored products are defined as products having various sizes and shapes tailored to meet the customer's different tastes or needs. Thus fabrication of custom-tailored products inherently involves inefficiency. To ...
    • Tolerance Envelopes of Planar Parametric Part Models 

      Ostrovsky-Berman, Y.; Joskowicz, L. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      We present a framework for the systematic study of parametric variation in planar mechanical parts and for ef ciently computing approximations of their tolerance envelopes. Part features are speci ed by explicit functions ...
    • Automatic Building of Structured Geological Models 

      Brandel, S.; Schneider, S.; Perrin, M.; Guiard, N.; Rainaud, J. F.; Lienhardt, P.; Bertrand, Y. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      The present article proposes a method to signi cantly improve the construction and updating of 3D geological models used for oil and gas exploration. The proposed method takes advantage of the speci c structures which ...
    • B-rep SE: Simplicially Enhanced Boundary Representation 

      Freytag, M.; Shapiro, V. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Boundary representation (B-rep) is a popular representation scheme for mechanical objects due to its ability to accurately represent piecewise smooth surfaces bounding solids. However, non-trivial topology and geometry of ...
    • Physics-based Modelling and Simulation of Functional Cloth for Virtual Prototyping Applications 

      Fontana, M.; Rizzi, C.; Cugini, U. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      A CAD-oriented system is proposed for the design of complex-shaped functional cloth, provided with a physics-based modelling core for simulation and virtual prototyping tasks. Textiles are physically modelled as particle ...
    • 3D Discrete Skeleton Generation by Wave Propagation on PR-Octree for Finite Element Mesh Sizing 

      Quadros, W. R.; Shimada, K.; Owen, S. J. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      This paper proposes a new algorithm to generate a disconnected, three-dimensional (3D) skeleton and an application of such a skeleton to generate a finite element (FE) mesh sizing function of a solid. The mesh sizing ...
    • A Framework for Multiresolution Adaptive Solid Objects 

      Chang, Y.- S.; Qin, H. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Despite the growing interest in subdivision surfaces within the computer graphics and geometric processing communities, subdivision approaches have been receiving much less attention in solid modeling. This paper presents ...
    • Fast Continuous Collision Detection for Articulated Models 

      Redon, S.; Lin, M. C.; Manocha, D. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      We present a novel algorithm to perform continuous collision detection for articulated models. Given two discrete configurations of the links of an articulated model, we use an ''arbitrary in-between motion'' to interpolate ...
    • A Condition for Isotopic Approximation 

      Chazal, F.; Cohen-Steiner, D. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      In this paper, we give a very simple and purely topological condition for two surfaces to be isotopic. This work is motivated by the problem of surface approximation. Applications to implicit surfaces are given, as well ...
    • Making the Most of Using Depth Reasoning to Label Line Drawings of Engineering Objects 

      Varley, P. A. C.; Martin, R. R.; Suzuki, H. (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Automatic creation of B-rep models of engineering objects from freehand sketches would benefit designers. A subgoal is to take a single line drawing (with hidden lines removed), and from it deduce an initial 3D geometric ...