Computer Graphics Forum 2010 / CGF 29 - 4 

Fragment-Parallel Composite and Filter

Patney, Anjul; Tzeng, Stanley; Owens, John D.
Fragment-Parallel Composite and Filter

Clarberg, Petrik; Toth, Robert; Hasselgren, Jon; Akenine-Moeller, Tomas
An Optimizing Compiler for Automatic Shader Bounding

Ou, Jiawei; Pellacini, Fabio
SafeGI: Type Checking to Improve Correctness in Rendering System Implementation

Nichols, Greg; Penmatsa, Rajeev; Wyman, Chris
Interactive, Multiresolution Image-Space Rendering for Dynamic Area Lighting

Salvi, Marco; Vidimce, Kiril; Lauritzen, Andrew; Lefohn, Aaron
Adaptive Volumetric Shadow Maps

Yang, Jason C.; Hensley, Justin; Gruen, Holger; Thibieroz, Nicolas
Real-Time Concurrent Linked List Construction on the GPU

Laurijssen, J.; Wang, R.; Dutre, Ph.; Brown, B.J.
Fast Estimation and Rendering of Indirect Highlights

Yao, Chunhui; Wang, Bin; Chan, Bin; Yong, Junhai; Paul, Jean-Claude
Multi-Image Based Photon Tracing for Interactive Global Illumination of Dynamic Scenes

Laine, Samuli; Karras, Tero
Two Methods for Fast Ray-Cast Ambient Occlusion

Huang, Fu-Chung; Ramamoorthi, Ravi
Sparsely Precomputing The Light Transport Matrix for Real-Time Rendering

Rump, Martin; Klein, Reinhard
Spectralization: Reconstructing spectra from sparse data

Sen, Pradeep; Darabi, Soheil
Compressive estimation for signal integration in rendering

Pegoraro, Vincent; Schott, Mathias; Parker, Steven G.
A Closed-Form Solution to Single Scattering for General Phase Functions and Light Distributions

Cao, Chen; Ren, Zhong; Guo, Baining; Zhou, Kun
Interactive Rendering of Non-Constant, Refractive Media Using the Ray Equations of Gradient-Index Optics

Bagar, Florian; Scherzer, Daniel; Wimmer, Michael
A Layered Particle-Based Fluid Model for Real-Time Rendering of Water

Geisler-Moroder, David; Duer, Arne
A New Ward BRDF Model with Bounded Albedo

Lessig, Christian; Fiume, Eugene
On the Effective Dimension of Light Transport

Meyer, Quirin; Suessmuth, Jochen; Sussner, Gerd; Stamminger, Marc; Greiner, Guenther
On Floating-Point Normal Vectors

Gilet, G.; Dischler, J-M.
An Image-Based Approach for Stochastic Volumetric and Procedural Details

Ruiters, Roland; Schnabel, Ruwen; Klein, Reinhard
Patch-based Texture Interpolation

Schloemer, Thomas; Deussen, Oliver
Semi-Stochastic Tilings for Example-Based Texture Synthesis

Obert, Juraj; Pellacini, Fabio; Pattanaik, Sumanta
Visibility Editing For All-Frequency Shadow Design

Kerr, William B.; Pellacini, Fabio; Denning, Jonathan D.
BendyLights: Artistic Control of Direct Illumination by Curving Light Rays

Sitthi-Amorn, Pitchaya; Romeiro, Fabiano; Zickler, Todd; Lawrence, Jason
Interactive Editing of Lighting and Materials using a Bivariate BRDF Representation

Nguyen, Chuong H.; Kyung, Min-Ho; Lee, Joo-Haeng; Nam, Seung-Woo
A PCA Decomposition for Real-time BRDF Editing and Relighting with Global Illumination

Haegler, Simon; Wonka, Peter; Arisona, Stefan Mueller; Van Gool, Luc; Mueller, Pascal
Grammar-based Encoding of Facades

Ray, Nicolas; Nivoliers, Vincent; Lefebvre, Sylvain; Levy, Bruno
Invisible Seams

Benard, P.; Lagae, A.; Vangorp, P.; Lefebvre, S.; Drettakis, G.; Thollot, J.
A Dynamic Noise Primitive for Coherent Stylization