Computer Graphics Forum 1995 / CGF 14 - 4 

Savchenko, Vladimir V.; Pasko, Alexander A.; Okunev, Oleg G.; Kunii, Tosiyasu L.
Function Representation of Solids Reconstructed from Scattered Surface Points and Contours

Keates, M.J.; Hubbold, R.J.
Interactive Ray Tracing on a Virtual Shared-Memory Parallel Computer

Dischler, Jean-Michel; Ghazanfarpour, Djamchid
A Geometrical Based Method for Highly Complex Structured Textures Generation

Morer, Paz; Alonso, Alejandro M. Garcia; Flaquer, Juan
Optimization of a Priority List Algorithm for 3-D Rendering of Buildings

Lau, Wing Hung; Wiseman, Neil
The Compositing Buffer: A Flexible Method for Image Generation and Image Editing