Hands On: Interactive Animation of Precision Manipulation and Contact

dc.contributor.authorHumberston, Benen_US
dc.contributor.authorPai, Dinesh K.en_US
dc.contributor.editorFlorence Bertails-Descoubes and Stelian Coros and Shinjiro Suedaen_US
dc.description.abstractHumans show effortless dexterity while manipulating objects using their own hands. However, specifying the motion of a virtual character's hand or of a robotic manipulator remains a difficult task that requires animation expertise or extensive periods of offline motion capture. We present Hands On: a real-time, adaptive animation interface, driven by compliant contact and force information, for animating contact and precision manipulations of virtual objects. Using our interface, an animator controls an abstract grasper trajectory while the full hand pose is automatically shaped by proactive adaptation and compliant scene interactions. Haptic force feedback enables intuitive control by mapping interaction forces from the full animated hand back to the reduced animator feedback space, invoking the same human sensorimotor processes utilized in natural precision manipulations. We provide an approach for online, adaptive shaping of the animated manipulator based on prior interactions, resulting in more functional and appealing motions. The importance of haptic feedback for authoring virtual object manipulations is verified in a user study with nonexpert participants that examines contact force trajectories while using our interface. Comparing the quality of motions produced with and without force rendering, haptic feedback is shown to be critical for efficiently communicating contact forces and dynamic events to the user.en_US
dc.description.seriesinformationACM/ Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animationen_US
dc.publisherACM Siggraphen_US
dc.subjectcharacter animationen_US
dc.subjectbased animationen_US
dc.subjectsensorimotor controlen_US
dc.titleHands On: Interactive Animation of Precision Manipulation and Contacten_US