Motion Style Retargeting to Characters With Different Morphologies

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© 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
We present a novel approach for style retargeting to non‐humanoid characters by allowing extracted stylistic features from one character to be added to the motion of another character with a different body morphology. We introduce the concept of groups of body parts (GBPs), for example, the torso, legs and tail, and we argue that they can be used to capture the individual style of a character motion. By separating GBPs from a character, the user can define mappings between characters with different morphologies. We automatically extract the motion of each GBP from the source, map it to the target and then use a constrained optimization to adjust all joints in each GBP in the target to preserve the original motion while expressing the style of the source. We show results on characters that present different morphologies to the source motion from which the style is extracted. The style transfer is intuitive and provides a high level of control. For most of the examples in this paper, the definition of GBP takes around 5 min and the optimization about 7 min on average. For the most complicated examples, the definition of three GBPs and their mapping takes about 10 min and the optimization another 30 min.We present a novel approach for style retargeting to non‐humanoid characters by allowing extracted stylistic features from one character to be added to the motion of another character with a different body morphology.

, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{
Motion Style Retargeting to Characters With Different Morphologies
}}, author = {
Abdul‐Massih, M.
Yoo, I.
Benes, B.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
© 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
}, ISSN = {
}, DOI = {
} }