Quantitative Analysis of Voxel Raytracing Acceleration Structures

dc.contributor.authorChajdas, Matthäus G.en_US
dc.contributor.authorWestermann, Rüdigeren_US
dc.contributor.editorJohn Keyser and Young J. Kim and Peter Wonkaen_US
dc.description.abstractIn this work, we provide a comprehensive analysis of GPU acceleration structures for voxel raytracing. We compare the commonly used octrees to BVH and KD trees, which are the standard in GPU triangle raytracing. Evaluating and analyzing of the behavior is complicated, as modern GPUs provide wide vector units with complex cache hierarchies. Even with sophisticated SIMD simulators, it is increasingly hard to model the hardware with sufficient detail to explain the observed performance. Therefore, instead of relying on SIMD simulation, we use hardware counters to directly measure key metrics like execution coherency on a modern GPU. We provide an extensive analysis comparing different acceleration structures for different raytracing scenarios like primary, diffuse and ambient occlusion rays. For different scenes we show that data structures commonly known for good performance, like KD-trees, are actually not suited for very wide SIMD units. In our work we show that BVH trees are most suitable for GPU raytracing and explain how the acceleration structure affects the execution coherency and ultimately performance, providing crucial information for the future design of GPU acceleration structures.en_US
dc.description.seriesinformationPacific Graphics Short Papersen_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.subjectI.3.6 [Computer Graphics]en_US
dc.subjectMethodology and Techniquesen_US
dc.subjectGraphics data structures and data typesen_US
dc.titleQuantitative Analysis of Voxel Raytracing Acceleration Structuresen_US
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