Simplification and Compression of 3D Scenes

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Eurographics Association
The geometric complexity of 3D models used in scientific, industrial, medical, or military applications significantly exceeds the complexity of what can be rapidly downloaded over the internet and of what can be displayed at interactive rates on personal workstations. This situation is not likely to change, because the need for higher levels of accuracy in the 3D models and the complexity of the industrial and scientific 3D data sets increase at a much faster rate than network bandwidth, CPU speed, and graphics hardware performance. The solution requires intelligent techniques that compress the 3D scenes for fast transmission over the network or phone line and that use auxiliary datastructures and adaptive resolution techniques to avoid processing and displaying each geometric detail at each frame. This tutorial discusses 3D representation schemes for polyhedra, presents recent advances in 3D compression, reviews various graphics acceleration schemes, and teaches specific techniques for constructing and exploiting multi-resolution (LOD) models.

, booktitle = {
Eurographics 1997 - Tutorials
}, editor = {}, title = {{
Simplification and Compression of 3D Scenes
}}, author = {
Rossignac, Jarek
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
Eurographics Association
}, ISSN = {
}, ISBN = {}, DOI = {
} }