Eulerview with Projections: Non Hierarchical Visualisation

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The Eurographics Association
EulerView is a novel resource management tool, enabling the representation of non-hierarchical categorisation structures within which to place resources. Since the initial incarnation for use in file-system management, it has been integrated with other systems, such as Flickr to produce Eulr, which assists in user manipulation of photo tags. Another system currently under development is Eulicious, a url management tool integrated with delicious the social bookmarking site. We bring these areas together, enabling the management of different types of resources, such as photo and url's, for user convenience. User feedback obtained from Eulr testing indicated that certain extra facilities would assist in their development of EulerView categorisation structures. To address this user request, we have introduced projections which capture information, within our broader non-hierarchical structure, in a similar manner to symbolic links in hierarchical structures. This will enable an easy transfer of user knowledge, whilst still providing the greater power of a non-hierarchical structure to be utilised when desired.

, booktitle = {
Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference
}, editor = {
Vittorio Scarano and Rosario De Chiara and Ugo Erra
}, title = {{
Eulerview with Projections: Non Hierarchical Visualisation
}}, author = {
Chiara, Rosario De
Fish, Andrew
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }