A Semi-Lagrangian Closest Point Method for Deforming Surfaces

dc.contributor.authorAuer, Stefanen_US
dc.contributor.authorWestermann, Rüdigeren_US
dc.contributor.editorB. Levy, X. Tong, and K. Yinen_US
dc.description.abstractWe present an Eulerian method for the real-time simulation of intrinsic fluid dynamics effects on deforming surfaces. Our method is based on a novel semi-Lagrangian closest point method for the solution of partial differential equations on animated triangle meshes.We describe this method and demonstrate its use to com- pute and visualize flow and wave propagation along such meshes at high resolution and speed. Underlying our technique is the efficient conversion of an animated triangle mesh into a time-dependent implicit repre- sentation based on closest surface points. The proposed technique is unconditionally stable with respect to the surface deformation and, in contrast to comparable Lagrangian techniques, its precision does not depend on the level of detail of the surface triangulation.en_US
dc.description.seriesinformationComputer Graphics Forumen_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectSimulation and Modeling [I.6.8]en_US
dc.subjectTypes of Simulationen_US
dc.subject ParallelComputerGraphics [I.3.7]en_US
dc.subjectThree DimensionalGraphics and Realismen_US
dc.subject Raytracingen_US
dc.titleA Semi-Lagrangian Closest Point Method for Deforming Surfacesen_US