Crowdbrush: Interactive Authoring of Real-time Crowd Scenes
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The Eurographics Association
Recent advances in computer graphics techniques and increasing power of graphics hardware made it possible to display and animate large crowds in real-time. Most of the research efforts have been directed towards improving rendering or behavior control; the question how to author crowd scenes in an efficient way is usually not addressed. We introduce a novel approach to create complex scenes involving thousands of animated individuals in a simple and intuitive way. By employing a brush metaphor, analogous to the tools used in image manipulation programs, we can distribute, modify and control crowd members in real-time with immediate visual feedback. We define concepts of operators and instance properties that allow to create and manage variety in populations of virtual humans. An efficient technique allowing to render up to several thousands of fully three-dimensional polygonal characters with keyframed animations at interactive framerates is presented. The potential of our approach is demonstrated by authoring a scenario of a virtual audience in a theater and a scenario of a pedestrian crowd in a city.
booktitle = {Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {R. Boulic and D. K. Pai},
title = {{Crowdbrush: Interactive Authoring of Real-time Crowd Scenes}},
author = {Ulicny, Branislav and Ciechomski, Pablo de Heras and Thalmann, Daniel},
year = {2004},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-14-2},
DOI = {/10.2312/SCA/SCA04/243-252}