Enhanced Texture‐Based Terrain Synthesis on Graphics Hardware

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The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Curvilinear features extracted from a 2D user‐sketched feature map have been used successfully to constraint a patch-based texture synthesis of real landscapes. This map-based user interface does not give fine control over the height profile of the generated terrain. We propose a new texture‐based terrain synthesis framework controllable by a terrain sketching interface. We enhance the realism of the generated landscapes by using a novel patch merging method that reduces boundary artefacts caused by overlapping terrain patches. A more constrained synthesis process is used to produce landscapes that better match user requirements. The high computational cost of texture synthesis is reduced with a parallel implementation on graphics hardware. Our GPU‐accelerated solution provides a significant speedup depending on the size of the example terrain. We show experimentally that our framework is more successful in generating realistic landscapes than current example‐based terrain synthesis methods. We conclude that texture‐based terrain synthesis combined with sketching provides an excellent solution to the user control and realism challenges of virtual landscape generation.Curvilinear features extracted from a 2D user‐sketched feature map have been used successfully to constraint a patch‐based texture synthesis of real landscapes. This map‐based user interface does not give fine control over the height profile of the generated terrain. We propose a new texture‐based terrain synthesis framework controllable by a terrain sketching interface. We enhance the realism of the generated landscapes by using a novel patch merging method that reduces boundary artefacts caused by overlapping terrain patches. A more constrained synthesis process is used to produce landscapes that better match user requirements. The high computational cost of texture synthesis is reduced with a parallel implementation on graphics hardware.

, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{
Enhanced Texture‐Based Terrain Synthesis on Graphics Hardware
}}, author = {
Tasse, F. P.
Gain, J.
Marais, P.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
}, ISSN = {
}, DOI = {
} }