Point Cloud Segmentation for Cultural Heritage Sites

dc.contributor.authorSpina, Sandroen_US
dc.contributor.authorDebattista, Kurten_US
dc.contributor.authorBugeja, Keithen_US
dc.contributor.authorChalmers, Alanen_US
dc.contributor.editorFranco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Goolen_US
dc.description.abstractOver the past few years, the acquisition of 3D point information representing the structure of real-world objects has become common practice in many areas. This is particularly true in the Cultural Heritage (CH) domain, where point clouds reproducing important and usually unique artifacts and sites of various sizes and geometric complexities are acquired. Specialized software is then usually used to process and organise this data. This paper addresses the problem of automatically organising this raw data by segmenting point clouds into meaningful subsets. This organisation over raw data entails a reduction in complexity and facilitates the post-processing effort required to work with the individual objects in the scene. This paper describes an efficient two-stage segmentation algorithm which is able to automatically partition raw point clouds. Following an intial partitioning of the point cloud, a RanSaC-based plane fitting algorithm is used in order to add a further layer of abstraction. A number of potential uses of the newly processed point cloud are presented; one of which is object extraction using point cloud queries. Our method is demonstrated on three point clouds ranging from 600K to 1.9M points. One of these point clouds was acquired from the pre-historic temple of Mnajdra consistsing of multiple adjacent complex structures.en_US
dc.description.seriesinformationVAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritageen_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.subjectCategories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]: Applicationsen_US
dc.titlePoint Cloud Segmentation for Cultural Heritage Sitesen_US
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