An Edge-based Approach to Adaptively Refining a Mesh for Cloth Deformation

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The Eurographics Association
Simulating cloth in real-time is a challenging endeavour due to the number of triangles necessary to depict the potentially frequent changes in curvature, in combination with the physics calculations which model the deformations. To alleviate the costs, adaptive methods are often employed to refine the mesh in areas of high curvature, however, they do not often consider a decimation or coarsening of areas which were refined previously. In addition to this, the triangulation and consistency checks required to maintain a continuous mesh can be prohibitively time consuming when attempting to simulate larger pieces of cloth. In this paper we present an efficient edge-based approach to adaptively refine and coarsen a dynamic mesh, with the aim to exploit the varied nature of cloth by trading the level of detail in flat parts for increased detail in the curved regions of the cloth. An edge-based approach enables fast incremental refinement and coarsening, whereby only two triangles need updating on each split or join of an edge. The criteria for refinement includes curvature, edge length and edge collisions. Simple collision detection is performed allowing interactions between the cloth and the other objects in the environment.

, booktitle = {
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
}, editor = {
Wen Tang and John Collomosse
}, title = {{
An Edge-based Approach to Adaptively Refining a Mesh for Cloth Deformation
}}, author = {
Simnett, Timothy J. R.
Laycock, Stephen D.
Day, Andy M.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }