Volume CAD
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The Eurographics Association
With the transition of the most fundamental data in manufacturing from drawings to three-dimensional (3D) CAD (Computer Aided Design) data, we are now able to fabricate products with beautiful curved surfaces, for example, automobiles, cellular phones, etc. However, current 3D CAD involves only shape data, which consequently poses certain difficulties in process modeling and simulations aimed at predicting the performance of final products. This paper introduces the Volume CAD (V-CAD) Project and the development of the first (voxel) version of V-CAD, which is capable of storing relevant 3D physical attributes as well as shape data. The data structure, volumization process from surface information, and "coloring" in 3D space are proposed. V-CAD allows sharing of robust data with decisive accuracy by various simulations and flexible manufacturing methods.
booktitle = {Volume Graphics},
editor = {I. Fujishiro and K. Mueller and A. Kaufman},
title = {{Volume CAD}},
author = {Kase, K. and Teshima, Y. and Usami, S. and Ohmori, H. and Teodosiu, C. and Makinouchi, A.},
year = {2003},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-8376},
ISBN = {1-58113-745-1},
DOI = {/10.2312/VG/VG03/145-150}