Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • A Scalable Parallel Force-Directed Graph Layout Algorithm 

      Tikhonova, Anna; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Understanding the structure, dynamics, and evolution of large graphs is becoming increasingly important in a variety of fields. The demand for visual tools to aid in this process is rising accordingly. Yet, many algorithms ...
    • Parallel Simplification of Large Meshes on PC Clusters 

      Xiong, Hua; Jiang, Xiaohong; Zhang, Yaping; Shi, Jiaoying (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Large meshes are becoming commonplace with the advance of 3D scanning, scientific simulation and CAD technology. While there are many algorithms proposed to simplify these large meshes, the time of simplification process ...
    • CUDASA: Compute Unified Device and Systems Architecture 

      Strengert, Magnus; Müller, Christoph; Dachsbacher, Carsten; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present an extension to the CUDA programming language which extends parallelism to multi-GPU systems and GPU-cluster environments. Following the existing model, which exposes the internal parallelism of GPUs, our extended ...
    • Time-Critical Distributed Visualization with Fault Tolerance 

      Gao, Jinzhu; Liu, Huadong; Huang, Jian; Beck, Micah; Wu, Qishi; Moore, Terry; Kohl, James (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      It is often desirable or necessary to perform scientific visualization in geographically remote locations, away from the centralized data storage systems that hold massive amounts of scientific results. The larger such ...
    • Parallel Volume Rendering on the IBM Blue Gene/P 

      Peterka, Tom; Yu, Hongfeng; Ross, Robert; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Parallel volume rendering is implemented and tested on an IBM Blue Gene distributed-memory parallel architecture. The goal of studying the cost of parallel rendering on a new class of supercomputers such as the Blue Gene/P ...
    • Multi-GPU Sort-Last Volume Visualization 

      Marchesin, Stéphane; Mongenet, Catherine; Dischler, Jean-Michel (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      In this paper, we propose an experimental study of an inexpensive off-the-shelf sort-last volume visualization architecture based upon multiple GPUs and a single CPU. We show how to efficiently make use of this architecture ...
    • Streaming Model Based Volume Ray Casting Implementation for Cell Broadband Engine 

      Kim, Jusub; JaJa, Joseph (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      In this paper, we propose an experimental study of an inexpensive off-the-shelf sort-last volume visualization architecture based upon multiple GPUs and a single CPU. We show how to efficiently make use of this architecture ...
    • Parallel Longest Common Subsequence using Graphics Hardware 

      Kloetzli, John; Strege, Brian; Decker, Jonathan; Olano, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present an algorithm for solving the Longest Common Subsequence problem using graphics hardware accel- eration. We identify a parallel memory access pattern which enables us to run efficiently on multiple layers of ...
    • Acceleration of Opacity Correction Mechanisms for Over-sampled Volume Ray Casting 

      Lee, Jong Kwan; Newman, Timothy S. (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Techniques for accelerated opacity correction for over-sampled volume ray casting on commodity hardware are described. The techniques exploit processing capabilities of programmable GPUs and cluster computers. The GPU-based ...
    • High-Fidelity Rendering of Animations on the Grid: A Case Study 

      Aggarwal, Vibhor; Chalmers, Alan; Debattista, Kurt (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Generation of physically-based rendered animations is a computationally expensive process, often taking many hours to complete. Parallel rendering, on shared memory machines and small to medium clusters, is often em- ployed ...