Prague, Czech Republic & Virtual | July 4th - July 6th 2022

(Rendering - Symposium Papers track is available here.)
Global Illumination
Path Guiding with Vertex Triplet Distributions
Vincent Schüßler, Johannes Hanika, Alisa Jung, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Once-more Scattered Next Event Estimation for Volume Rendering
Johannes Hanika, Andrea Weidlich, and Marc Droske
Temporally Sliced Photon Primitives for Time-of-flight Rendering
Yang Liu, Shaojie Jiao, and Wojciech Jarosz
Single-pass Stratified Importance Resampling
Ege Ciklabakkal, Adrien Gruson, Iliyan Georgiev, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, and Toshiya Hachisuka
A Bidirectional Formulation for Walk on Spheres
Yang Qi, Dario Seyb, Benedikt Bitterli, and Wojciech Jarosz
Volume Rendering
Automatic Feature Selection for Denoising Volumetric Renderings
Xianyao Zhang, Melvin Ott, Marco Manzi, Markus Gross, and Marios Papas
A Microfacet-based Hair Scattering Model
Weizhen Huang, Matthias B. Hullin, and Johannes Hanika
A Position-Free Path Integral for Homogeneous Slabs and Multiple Scattering on Smith Microfacets
Benedikt Bitterli and Eugene d'Eon
Microsurface Transformations
Asen Atanasov, Vladimir Koylazov, Rossen Dimov, and Alexander Wilkie
Material Modeling and Measurement
Controlling Material Appearance by Examples
Yiwei Hu, Miloš Hašan, Paul Guerrero, Holly Rushmeier, and Valentin Deschaintre
Physics-Based Inverse Rendering using Combined Implicit and Explicit Geometries
Guangyan Cai, Kai Yan, Zhao Dong, Ioannis Gkioulekas, and Shuang Zhao
Neural Rendering
Deep Flow Rendering: View Synthesis via Layer-aware Reflection Flow
Pinxuan Dai and Ning Xie
Stylized Rendering
Recolorable Posterization of Volumetric Radiance Fields Using Visibility-Weighted Palette Extraction
Kenji Tojo and Nobuyuki Umetani
pOp: Parameter Optimization of Differentiable Vector Patterns
Marzia Riso, Davide Sforza, and Fabio Pellacini
Patterns and Noises
Point-Pattern Synthesis using Gabor and Random Filters
Xingchang Huang, Pooran Memari, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Gurprit Singh

Recent Submissions

  • Point-Pattern Synthesis using Gabor and Random Filters 

    Huang, Xingchang; Memari, Pooran; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Singh, Gurprit (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Point pattern synthesis requires capturing both local and non-local correlations from a given exemplar. Recent works employ deep hierarchical representations from VGG-19 [SZ15] convolutional network to capture the features ...
  • pOp: Parameter Optimization of Differentiable Vector Patterns 

    Riso, Marzia; Sforza, Davide; Pellacini, Fabio (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Procedural materials are extensively used in computer graphics, since they provide editable, resolution-independent representation of textures. However, tuning the parameters of procedural generators to achieve a desired ...
  • Recolorable Posterization of Volumetric Radiance Fields Using Visibility-Weighted Palette Extraction 

    Tojo, Kenji; Umetani, Nobuyuki (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Volumetric radiance fields have recently gained significant attention as promising representations of photorealistic scene reconstruction. However, the non-photorealistic rendering of such a representation has barely been ...
  • Deep Flow Rendering: View Synthesis via Layer-aware Reflection Flow 

    Dai, Pinxuan; Xie, Ning (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Novel view synthesis (NVS) generates images from unseen viewpoints based on a set of input images. It is a challenge because of inaccurate lighting optimization and geometry inference. Although current neural rendering ...
  • Physics-Based Inverse Rendering using Combined Implicit and Explicit Geometries 

    Cai, Guangyan; Yan, Kai; Dong, Zhao; Gkioulekas, Ioannis; Zhao, Shuang (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Mathematically representing the shape of an object is a key ingredient for solving inverse rendering problems. Explicit representations like meshes are efficient to render in a differentiable fashion but have difficulties ...
  • Controlling Material Appearance by Examples 

    Hu, Yiwei; Hašan, Miloš; Guerrero, Paul; Rushmeier, Holly; Deschaintre, Valentin (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Despite the ubiquitous use of materials maps in modern rendering pipelines, their editing and control remains a challenge. In this paper, we present an example-based material control method to augment input material maps ...
  • Microsurface Transformations 

    Atanasov, Asen; Koylazov, Vladimir; Dimov, Rossen; Wilkie, Alexander (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    We derive a general result in microfacet theory: given an arbitrary microsurface defined via standard microfacet statistics, we show how to construct the statistics of its linearly transformed counterparts. A common use ...
  • A Position-Free Path Integral for Homogeneous Slabs and Multiple Scattering on Smith Microfacets 

    Bitterli, Benedikt; d'Eon, Eugene (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    We consider the problem of multiple scattering on Smith microfacets. This problem is equivalent to computing volumetric light transport in a homogeneous slab. Although the symmetry of the slab allows for significant ...
  • Automatic Feature Selection for Denoising Volumetric Renderings 

    Zhang, Xianyao; Ott, Melvin; Manzi, Marco; Gross, Markus; Papas, Marios (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    We propose a method for constructing feature sets that significantly improve the quality of neural denoisers for Monte Carlo renderings with volumetric content. Starting from a large set of hand-crafted features, we propose ...
  • A Microfacet-based Hair Scattering Model 

    Huang, Weizhen; Hullin, Matthias B.; Hanika, Johannes (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    The development of scattering models and rendering algorithms for human hair remains an important area of research in computer graphics. Virtually all available models for scattering off hair or fur fibers are based on ...
  • A Bidirectional Formulation for Walk on Spheres 

    Qi, Yang; Seyb, Dario; Bitterli, Benedikt; Jarosz, Wojciech (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Numerically solving partial differential equations (PDEs) is central to many applications in computer graphics and scientific modeling. Conventional methods for solving PDEs often need to discretize the space first, making ...
  • Single-pass Stratified Importance Resampling 

    Ciklabakkal, Ege; Gruson, Adrien; Georgiev, Iliyan; Nowrouzezahrai, Derek; Hachisuka, Toshiya (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Resampling is the process of selecting from a set of candidate samples to achieve a distribution (approximately) proportional to a desired target. Recent work has revisited its application to Monte Carlo integration, ...
  • Temporally Sliced Photon Primitives for Time-of-flight Rendering 

    Liu, Yang; Jiao, Shaojie; Jarosz, Wojciech (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    We derive a class of new Monte Carlo estimators for volumetric time-of-flight rendering, generalizing prior work on transient photon points and beams. Conceptually, our method starts with any steady-state photon primitive ...
  • Once-more Scattered Next Event Estimation for Volume Rendering 

    Hanika, Johannes; Weidlich, Andrea; Droske, Marc (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    We present a Monte Carlo path tracing technique to sample extended next event estimation contributions in participating media: we consider one additional scattering vertex on the way to the next event, accounting for focused ...
  • Path Guiding with Vertex Triplet Distributions 

    Schüßler, Vincent; Hanika, Johannes; Jung, Alisa; Dachsbacher, Carsten (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
    Good importance sampling strategies are decisive for the quality and robustness of photorealistic image synthesis with Monte Carlo integration. Path guiding approaches use transport paths sampled by an existing base sampler ...
  • Rendering 2022 CGF 41-4: Frontmatter 

    Ghosh, Abhijeet; Wei, Li-Yi (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)