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Computer Graphics Forum 2019 / CGF 38 - 4 

Boubekeur, Tamy; Sen, Pradeep
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2019 - CGF38-4: Frontmatter

Deschaintre, Valentin; Aittala, Miika; Durand, Fredo; Drettakis, George; Bousseau, Adrien
Flexible SVBRDF Capture with a Multi-Image Deep Network

Lin, Yiming; Peers, Pieter; Ghosh, Abhijeet
On-Site Example-Based Material Appearance Acquisition

Chermain, Xavier; Claux, Frédéric; Mérillou, Stéphane
Glint Rendering based on a Multiple-Scattering Patch BRDF

Jendersie, Johannes; Grosch, Thorsten
Microfacet Model Regularization for Robust Light Transport

Hendrich, Jakub; Pospíšil, Adam; Meister, Daniel; Bittner, Jiří
Ray Classification for Accelerated BVH Traversal

Vibert, Nicolas; Gruson, Adrien; Stokholm, Heine; Mortensen, Troels; Jarosz, Wojciech; Hachisuka, Toshiya; Nowrouzezahrai, Derek
Scalable Virtual Ray Lights Rendering for Participating Media

Martschinke, Jana; Hartnagel, Stefan; Keinert, Benjamin; Engel, Klaus; Stamminger, Marc
Adaptive Temporal Sampling for Volumetric Path Tracing of Medical Data

Kneiphof, Tom; Golla, Tim; Klein, Reinhard
Real-time Image-based Lighting of Microfacet BRDFs with Varying Iridescence

Jung, Alisa; Wilkie, Alexander; Hanika, Johannes; Jakob, Wenzel; Dachsbacher, Carsten
Wide Gamut Spectral Upsampling with Fluorescence

Steinberg, Shlomi
Analytic Spectral Integration of Birefringence-Induced Iridescence

Celarek, Adam; Jakob, Wenzel; Wimmer, Michael; Lehtinen, Jaakko
Quantifying the Error of Light Transport Algorithms

Liu, Yifan; Xu, Kun; Yan, Ling-Qi
Adaptive BRDF-Oriented Multiple Importance Sampling of Many Lights

Jarosz, Wojciech; Enayet, Afnan; Kensler, Andrew; Kilpatrick, Charlie; Christensen, Per
Orthogonal Array Sampling for Monte Carlo Rendering

Heitz, Eric; Belcour, Laurent
Distributing Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space by Permuting Pixel Seeds Between Frames

Salesin, Katherine; Jarosz, Wojciech
Combining Point and Line Samples for Direct Illumination

Hladky, Jozef; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Steinberger, Markus
Tessellated Shading Streaming

DESRICHARD, François; Vanderhaeghe, David; PAULIN, Mathias
Global Illumination Shadow Layers

Merzbach, Sebastian; Hermann, Max; Rump, Martin; Klein, Reinhard
Learned Fitting of Spatially Varying BRDFs

Hermosilla, Pedro; Maisch, Sebastian; Ritschel, Tobias; Ropinski, Timo
Deep-learning the Latent Space of Light Transport