Computer Graphics Forum 2010 / CGF 29 - 8 

Table of Contents and Cover

Krecklau, L.; Pavic, D.; Kobbelt, L.
Generalized Use of Non-Terminal Symbols for Procedural Modeling

Lister, W.; Laycock, R.G.; Day, A.M.
A Key-Pose Caching System for Rendering an Animated Crowd in Real-Time

Schmaltz, Christian; Gwosdek, Pascal; Bruhn, Andres; Weickert, Joachim
Electrostatic Halftoning

Martinek, M.; Grosso, R.; Greiner, G.
A Shape Descriptor for 3D Objects Based on Rotational Symmetry

Gilles, B.; Reveret, L.; Pai, D. K.
Creating and Animating Subject-Specific Anatomical Models

Park, Jinho; Seol, Yeongho; Cordier, Frederic; Noh, Junyong
A Smoke Visualization Model for Capturing Surface-Like Features

Laramee, Robert S.
How to Write a Visualization Research Paper: A Starting Point

Dalmau, Oscar; Rivera, Mariano; Alarcon, Teresa
Bayesian Scheme for Interactive Colourization, Recolourization and Image/Video Editing

Liu, Y.; Veksler, O.; Juan, O.
Generating Classic Mosaics with Graph Cuts

Ihrke, Ivo; Kutulakos, Kiriakos N.; Lensch, Hendrik P. A.; Magnor, Marcus; Heidrich, Wolfgang
Transparent and Specular Object Reconstruction

Kakimoto, M.; Tatsukawa, T.; Nishita, T.
An Eyeglass Simulator Using Conoid Tracing

Rungjiratananon, W.; Kanamori, Y.; Nishita, T.
Chain Shape Matching for Simulating Complex Hairstyles

McDonald, J.
Teaching Quaternions is not Complex

Andujar, C.; Brunet, P.; Chica, A.; Navazo, I.
Visualization of Large-Scale Urban Models through Multi-Level Relief Impostors

Urbano, C.; Magalhaes, L.; Moura, J.; Bessa, M.; Marcos, A.; Chalmers, A.
Tone Mapping Operators on Small Screen Devices: An Evaluation Study

Poranne, R.; Gotsman, C.; Keren, D.
3D Surface Reconstruction Using a Generalized Distance Function

Mattausch, Oliver; Scherzer, Daniel; Wimmer, Michael
High-Quality Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion using Temporal Coherence

Dammertz, H.; Keller, A.; Lensch, H. P. A.
Progressive Point-Light-Based Global Illumination

Michael, D.; Chrysanthou, Y.
Fullsphere Irradiance Factorization for Real-Time All-Frequency Illumination for Dynamic Scenes

Van Welbergen, H.; Van Basten, B. J. H.; Egges, A.; Ruttkay, Zs. M.; Overmars, M. H.
Real Time Animation of Virtual Humans: A Trade-off Between Naturalness and Control

Lipski, C.; Linz, C.; Berger, K.; Sellent, A.; Magnor, M.
Virtual Video Camera: Image-Based Viewpoint Navigation Through Space and Time

Schmitz, L.; Scheidegger, L. F.; Osmari, D. K.; Dietrich, C. A.; Comba, J. L. D.
Efficient and Quality Contouring Algorithms on the GPU

Lagae, A.; Lefebvre, S.; Cook, R.; DeRose, T.; Drettakis, G.; Ebert, D.S.; Lewis, J.P.; Perlin, K.; Zwicker, M.
A Survey of Procedural Noise Functions


31st EUROGRAPHICS General Assembly
