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Pacific Graphics Short Papers 2013

Wang, Weiming M.; Yan, Xiaoqi Q.; Fu, Chi-Wing; Hanson, Andrew J.; Heng, Pheng Ann
Interactive Exploration of 4D Geometry with Volumetric Halos

Yan, Xiaoqi; Song, Peng; Fu, Chi-Wing; Goh, Wooi Boon; Ma, Kwan-Liu
Exploring Volume Visualization with Whole-hand Multitouch Gestures

Wan, Lili; Li, Shuai; Miao, Zhenjiang J.; Cen, Yigang G.
Non-rigid 3D Shape Retrieval via Sparse Representation

Sik, Martin; Krivanek, Jaroslav
Fast Random Sampling of Triangular Meshes

Grau, Sergi; Puig, Anna; Escalera, Sergio; Salamó, Maria
Intelligent Interactive Volume Classification

Wang, Jianzhong; Cheng, Fuhua
Bezier Crust on Quad Subdivision Surface

Kawai, Masahide; Iwao, Tomoyori; Maejima, Akinobu; Morishima, Shigeo
Video-Realistic Inner Mouth Reanimation

Wong, Tszho H.; Leach, Geoff; Zambetta, Fabio
An Improved Friction Model for Cloth Simulation

Yuan, Chunqiang; Liang, Xiaohui; Hao, Shiyu; Yang, Guang
Modeling Large Scale Clouds from Satellite Images

Hou, Fei; Zhao, Qinping; Qi, Yue; Qin, Hong
Component-aware Semantic Modeling of Architectures from a Single Image

Knowles, Pyarelal; Leach, Geoff; Zambetta, Fabio
Backwards Memory Allocation and Improved OIT