Adversarial Interactive Cartoon Sketch Colourization with Texture Constraint and Auxiliary Auto‐Encoder

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© 2023 Eurographics ‐ The European Association for Computer Graphics and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Colouring cartoon sketches can help children develop their intellect and inspire their artistic creativity. Unlike photo colourization or anime line art colourization, cartoon sketch colourization is challenging due to the scarcity of texture information and the irregularity of the line structure, which is mainly reflected in the phenomenon of colour‐bleeding artifacts in generated images. We propose a colourization approach for cartoon sketches, which takes both sketches and colour hints as inputs to produce impressive images. To solve the problem of colour‐bleeding artifacts, we propose a multi‐discriminator colourization framework that introduces a texture discriminator in the conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN). Then we combined this framework with a pre‐trained auxiliary auto‐encoder, where an auxiliary feature loss is designed to further improve colour quality, and a condition input is introduced to increase the generalization ability over hand‐drawn sketches. We present both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, which prove the effectiveness of our proposed method. We test our method on sketches of varying complexity and structure, then build an interactive programme based on our model for user study. Experimental results demonstrate that the method generates natural and consistent colour images in real time from sketches drawn by non‐professionals.

, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{
Adversarial Interactive Cartoon Sketch Colourization with Texture Constraint and Auxiliary Auto‐Encoder
}}, author = {
Liu, Xiaoyu
Zhu, Shaoqiang
Zeng, Yao
Zhang, Junsong
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
© 2023 Eurographics ‐ The European Association for Computer Graphics and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
}, ISSN = {
}, DOI = {
} }