Now showing items 21-25 of 25


      Dyer, Ramsay (Dyer, 2010)
      In the Euclidean plane, a Delaunay triangulation can be characterized by the requirementthat the circumcircle of each triangle be empty of vertices of all other triangles. For triangulatinga surface S in R3, the Delaunay ...
    • Semantic Visualization Mapping for Volume Illustration 

      Rautek, Peter (Rautek, Dec 2008)
      DasGebiet derwissenschaftlichenVisualisierung beschäftigt sichmit der automatisiertenGenerierung von Bildern aus wissenschaftlichen Daten. Um relevanteInformationen darzustellen, werden adäquate visuelle Abstraktionen ...
    • Techniques for Stochastic ImplicitSurface Modelling and Rendering 

      Gamito, Manuel Noronha (Gamito, Sept 2009)
      Implicit surfaces are a powerful shape primitive for computer graphics. This thesis focuseson a shape modelling approach which generates synthetic shapes by the specification of animplicit surface generating function that ...
    • Template based shape processing 

      Stoll, Carsten (Stoll, Carsten, 2009-09-30)
      As computers can only represent and process discrete data, informationgathered from the real world always has to be sampled. While it isnowadays possible to sample many signals accurately and thus generatehigh-quality ...
    • Uses of uncalibrated images to enrich3D models information 

      Dellepiane, Matteo (Dellepiane, 2009)
      La diminuzione dei costi delle fotocamere digitali semi-professionali ha portato allapossibilit per tutti di acquisire immagini ad alta definizione in modo molto semplice.Tuttavia, l interpretazione di queste immagini, ...