Now showing items 1-20 of 111

    • Optimal Texture Mapping 

      De Ma, Song; Lin, Hong (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Texture mapping is one of the most important techniques for highquality image synthesis. It can enhance immensely the visual richness of raster-scan images. We address in this paper the problem of mapping planar texture ...
    • Monte-Carlo Integration Applied to an Illumination Model 

      Bouville, C.; Dubois, J.L.; Marchal, I.; Viaud, M.L. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      The use of Monte-Carlo integration together with stochastic sampling is very useful for dealing with the scattering phenomena that occur in the propagation and reflection of light. In this paper, these techniques have been ...
    • Fast Algorithm for Polygon Clipping with 3D Windows 

      Burkert, Andreas; Noll, Stefan (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Many applications which use 3D graphics, need 3D geometric modeling and hence polygon clipping against 3D Windows or general volumes. The disadvantages of existing clipping algorithms are that they are 2D, slow or produce ...
    • Pseudo Ordering of CSG-Trees 

      Cottingham, Marion S. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Using Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) methods, it is usual for primitive object representations to be stored at the leaf nodes of binary trees. The major part of the work involved in generating an image of the object is ...
    • Form-Factors for General Environments 

      Shao, Ping-Pine; Peng, Qun-Sheng; Liang, You-Done (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      A new algorithm, based on the hemi-cube formulation, which calculates the form-factors required by the solution of the rendering equation, is presented. The concept of form-factors of the standard radiosity method is ...
    • An Evaluation of CSG Trees Based on Polyhedral Solids 

      Badouel, Didier; Hegron, Gerard (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Set operation on polyhedra is an important component of Geometric Modeling System (GMS) when a Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) representation with polyhedral solid primitives is used. Output data will be the unique ...
    • The Calculus of the Non-Exact Perspective Projection - Scene-Shifting for Computer Animation 

      Hofmann, Georg Rainer (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      This paper shows the principle way to apply the, scene-shiftin technique of the classical film to computer animation. calculus is presented which is a modification of the well-known classical calculus of the perspective ...
    • A Method for Providing Full Interactive Control of the Shape of 3-D Curves and Surfaces 

      Cros, Frederic; Brock, Philip J. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      This paper presents a new method for providing an interactive local control on 3-D curves and surfaces. The possibility of interacting directly on the vector tangent to the curve at each control point (e.g. changing its ...
    • Efficient Adaptive Subdivision of Bezier Surfaces 

      Clay, Reed D.; Moreton, Henry P. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      The support of free-form surfaces by modem solid modeling systems has necessitated the development of hardware and algorithms for the interactive display of surface patches. This paper describes an algorithm for the display ...
    • Architectures for Mass Market 3D Displays 

      Winser, Paul; Bonnet, Thierry; Dumont, Dominique; Mathieu, Yves (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      We discuss the specific architecture requirements of real time 3D display systems intended for low cost mass market products of the near future. Vertex transformation and polygon rendering are two processing aspects where ...
    • Fractal Approximation of 2-D Object 

      Levy-Vehel, J.; Gagalowicz, A. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      We present some new techniques for shape approximation with fractals, using Iterated Function System, a powerful method which allows good control on the resulting fractal. The main point discussed here can be stated as ...
    • Animation of Stochastic Model-Based 3-D Textures 

      Gagalowicz, Andre; Ma, Song D. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      We have previously shown the validity of a statistical model proposed by us for realistic textures. We have also shown how to use this model to map realistic textures onto a still surface of any shape and extent, maintaining ...
    • Liberation from Rectangles: A Tiling Method for Dynamic Modification of Objects on Raster Displays 

      Slater, Mel; Davison, Allan; Smith, Mark (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      When graphics objects (also called segments) are used on raster display hardware, problems arise because of the mismatch between the high level requirements of object manipulation, and the low level representation from ...
    • Outline Phase Control for Character Rasterization 

      Hersch, R. D. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Character rasterization on middle-resolution output devices (screens, laser printers) is one of the most difficult tasks in the domain of resolution-independent raster imaging. Low sampling leads to unacceptable low-quality ...
    • A Simple Spectral Approach to Stochastic Modelling for Natural Objects 

      Anjyo, Ken-ichi (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Stochastic modeling has been widely used in computer graphics to depict natural objects or phenomena. Various techniques are available, depending on what object is to be represented and what extent of realism to be achieved. ...
    • Free-Form Surfaces Modeling by Evolution Simulation 

      Lienhardt, Pascal (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      We present in this paper a procedural method for modeling free-form, planar surfaces subdivisions, which allows simulating evolutions of such subdivisions. This method is founded on the common principles deduced from ...
    • A Evalution of Some Three-Color Tiling Patterns 

      Alt, Paul; Cordonnier, Vincent (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Some new technologies for information display use discrete arrays of cells or picture elements. Each cell displays a single color and the colors do not overlap as they do on a CRT screen. Colored cells are distributed on ...
    • Experimenting with a Parallel Ray-Tracing Algorithm on a Hypercube Machine 

      Priol, Thierry; Bouatouch, Kadi (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      A parallel space tracing algorithm is presented. It subdivides the scene into regions. These latter are distributed among the processors of an iPSC hypercube machine designed by Intel company. Each processor subdivides its ...
    • A System for Graphical Interaction on Parametrized Models 

      Van Emmerik , Maarten J.G.M. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      A system that enables the definition of parametrized solid models by means of graphical interaction is presented. The position, orientation and dimensions of primitive volumes for Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) are ...
    • An Object-Oriented Approach to Process Monitoring 

      Hütter, Ronald (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Current and future user interface requirements of process monitoring applications are summarized. An object-oriented approach to meet these requirements is described. A special displayfile structure, the socalled object-oriented ...