Now showing items 1-20 of 77

    • 5th EUROGRAPHICS UK Conference: University of East Anglia, Norwich: 13-15 April 1987 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Algorithms for Handling the Fill Area Primitive of GKS 

      Shinde, Yogesh N.; Mudur, S.P. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      The fill area primitive of GKS (Graphical Kernel System)1 is one of the more powerful features which differentiates it from earlier device independent graphics software and systems. Its specification is extremely general ...
    • Anti-Aliasing of Computer-Generated Images: A Picture Independent Approach 

      Chryssafis, A. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      A scheme is described which blurs the jagged edges of a binary picture, when it is shown on a raster display possessing a gray scale.A jagged edge is hereby defined as a one pixel discontinuity, which would result from the ...
    • Artificial Intelligence in Three-Dimensional Computer Animation 

      Thalmann, D.; Magnenat-Thalmann, N. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      Recent developments in hardware and software have led to the production of complex computer-generated images and films. Sophisticated algorithms like ray-tracing, fractals or particle systems allow the generation of very ...
    • The Association for Computing in Art and Design Education (ACADE) 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Ausgraph -86 

      Hopgood, F.R.A.; Duce, D.A. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Beyond Hershey: A Representation of Fonts for Computer Graphics 

      Gossling, T.H. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      Hershey-s "Repertory of Occidental Fonts" is well known in the field of computer graphics, as a set of character-forms which is superior to the cruder representations used when space was at a premium. This paper gives a ...
    • Biom orphs: Computer Displays of Biological Forms Generated from Mathematical Feedback Loops 

      Pickover, C.A. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      A computer graphics algorithm is used to create complicated forms resembling invertebrate organisms. These natural morphologies are generated through the iteration of mathematical transformations. Several illustrations are ...
    • Book Reviews 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      Book reviewed in this article:1. COMPUTER GRAPHICS - A Programming Approach2. Computer Graphics3. User Interface Management Systems
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Calendar of Events 1987 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Call for Contributions 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Computer Graphics and CAD Literature A Keyword-Indexed Bibliography 

      Owen, Jon (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Displaying Relevant Features of Protein Molecules 

      Poet, Ron; Milner-White, E. James (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      We present a novel type of computer generated picture in which the positions of the main chain alpha carbon atoms are averaged and the different types of hydrogen bonds between main chain atoms are represented by lines of ...

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)