"On Realism of Architectural Procedural Models" SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL This ZIP file contains the following: ANALYSIS - The statistical analysis from our paper in the form of an automatically generated HTML file, together with a R langauge source code (specifically, RMarkdown source code, which contain marked up text and R source code in a unified notebook) and a CSV file with the relevant data. Also included are image data named consistently with the CSV file. EXPERIMENT_SLIDESHOW - Our experiment reproduced in screenshot form. IMAGES_BY_ACCURACY - All of our images, in different blurs, with accuracies. Subfolders, e.g. BLUR_55, contain the blurred and unblurred versions of all images at a specific blur. Each image's name starts with its accuracy, so that the images for each blur can conveniently be sorted and viewed. For example, IMAGES_BY_ACCURACY/BLUR55/0_36538460-MEDIEVAL_REAL_25.png is the image referred to as MEDIEVAL_REAL_25 throughout the statistical analysis, and at the given 55px blur level has an accuracy of ~0.37. EXPERIMENT_QUESTIONNAIRE - Questionnaire data in CSV form. Contains data and marks for our qualitative analysis. IMAGES_EXTENDED - Contains not only the experiment images, but also the additional, unused images mentioned at the end of Subsection 4.1 PHOTOGRAPH_URLS - Lists of photograph URLs for each dataset.