Chagnaud, ClémentSamuel, JohnServigne, SylvieGesquière, GillesVincent Tourre and Filip Biljecki2016-12-072016-12-072016978-3-03868-013-02307-8251 whether historical photographs or urban regulations are important for understanding the urban past as well as for urban planning. CityGML is an open standard used to represent 3D structure and thematic information of the cities. In this article, we briefly present how the recent extension to CityGML to represent documents has been integrated to the 4D virtual urban environment. We will then focus on different visualization techniques of documents in this environment and the various metrics used to evaluate them.I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]StandardsI.3.7 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismI.3.8 [Computer Graphics]ApplicationsVisualization of Documented 3D Cities10.2312/udmv.2016142587-93