Rosin, Paul L.Mould, DavidBerger, ItamarCollomosse, JohnLai, Yu-KunLi, ChuanLi, HuaShamir, ArielWand, MichaelWang, TinghuaiWinnem, HolgerHolger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram2017-10-182017-10-182017978-1-4503-5081-5- present a set of images for helping NPR practitioners evaluate their image-based portrait stylisation algorithms. Using a standard set both facilitates comparisons with other methods and helps ensure that presented results are representative. We give two levels of di culty, each consisting of 20 images selected systematically so as to provide good coverage of several possible portrait characteristics. We applied three existing portraitspeci c stylisation algorithms, two generalpurpose stylisation algorithms, and one general learn ing based stylisation algorithm to the rst level of the benchmark, corresponding to the type of constrained images that have o ften been used in portraitspeci c work. We found that the existing methods are generally e ective on this new image set, demon strating that level one of the benchmark is tractable; challenges remain at level two. Results revealed several advantages conferred by portraitspeci c algorithms over generalpurpose algorithms: portraitspeci c algorithms can use domainspeci c information to preserve key details such as eyes and to eliminate extraneous details, and they have more scope for semantically meaningful abstraction due to the underlying face model. Finally, we pro vide some thoughts on systematically extending the benchmark to higher levels of di fficulty.Computing methodologiesNon photorealistic renderingImage processingevaluationnonphotorealistic renderingimage stylisationportraitsBenchmarking Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Portraits10.1145/3092919.3092921