Owen, Rhiannon S.Roberts, Jonathan C.Hunter, DavidSlingsby, Aidan2024-09-092024-09-092024978-3-03868-249-3https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20241229https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/cgvc20241229We present a design study of developing a visualisation poster. Posters can be difficult to create, and the story on a poster is not always clear. Using a case-study approach we propose three important aspects: the poster should have a clear focus (especially a hero visualisation), envisioning its use helps to drive the important aspects, and third the essence (its fundamental concept and guiding idea) must be clear. We will use case studies that have focused on the use of the Five Design-Sheet method (FdS) as a way to sketch and plan a visualisation, before successfully implementing and creating the visual poster. The case studies serve as a practical illustration of the workflow, offering a means to explain the three key processes involved: (1) comprehending the data, (2) employing a design study with the FdS (Five Design-Sheet), (3) crafting, evaluating and refining the visualisation.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Visualisation; Applied computing → EducationHuman centered computing → VisualisationApplied computing → EducationVisual Storytelling: A Methodological Approach to Designing and Implementing a Visualization Poster10.2312/cgvc.202412295 pages