Kraus, MatthiasFuchs, JohannesSommer, BjörnKlein, KarstenEngelke, UlrichKeim, DanielSchreiber, FalkHauser, Helwig and Alliez, Pierre2022-03-252022-03-2520221467-8659 a long period of scepticism, more and more publications describe basic research but also practical approaches to how abstract data can be presented in immersive environments for effective and efficient data understanding. Central aspects of this important research question in immersive analytics research are concerned with the use of 3D for visualization, the embedding in the immersive space, the combination with spatial data, suitable interaction paradigms and the evaluation of use cases. We provide a characterization that facilitates the comparison and categorization of published works and present a survey of publications that gives an overview of the state of the art, current trends, and gaps and challenges in current research.augmented realityimmersionvirtual realityvisual analyticsvisualizationImmersive Analytics with Abstract 3D Visualizations: A Survey10.1111/cgf.14430201-229