Lindgren, StefanFerdani, DanieleTouati, Anne-Marie LeanderDemetrescu, EmanuelSofia Pescarin and Pedro Cano and Alfredo Grande2016-01-052016-01-052015978-1-5090-0048-7 computer graphic movie about the House of Caecilius Iucundus was produced for the exhibition Pompeji, held at the MillesgÄrden, Stockholm, form sept. 2014 to may 2015. The exhibition invited to experience Pompeian domestic space by means of a scenography partly reconstructing the House of Cacilius Iucundus, by means of original objects, small finds and wall decorations, found in his house, and by means of the overall visualization offered by the movie.3D movie of the house of Caecilius Iucundus in PompeiiTBA