Xu, WeiweiAkama, RyoTanaka, Hiromi T.Mark Mudge and Nick Ryan and Roberto Scopigno2014-01-312014-01-3120053-905673-28-21811-864Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/VAST/VAST05/059-065In this paper, we describe a system to reconstruct 3D face model from ancient Japanese Kabuki drawings. Because of the limitation of input, we deform the face model, which is compatible with MPEG-4 face animation standard, according to ancient drawings to get the 3D geometry, and then a texture mapping algorithm is used to map Kabuki make-up onto the reconstructed 3D face model. The deformation and texture mapping algorithms are based on multi-level radial basis function network, which is an extension of original radial basis function to achieve the smoothness and precision simultaneously. Experimental results show that the multilevel RBF method can solve the deformation and texture mapping problems quite well.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling: Modeling Packages I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three Dimensional Graphics and Realism: Animation3D Face Modeling from Ancient Kabuki Drawings