Schmidt, S.Steinicke, F.Tony Huang and Arindam Dey2017-11-212017-11-212017978-3-03868-052-9 traditional museums still rely on physical artifacts since their authenticity and uniqueness foster an emotional engagement with the objects themselves and the stories they are supposed to tell the visitor. However, the context of the exhibition space makes it difficult to vividly present information that are closely related to the origin of the artifact. In this regard, we propose a 3D projection-based augmented reality setup, which keeps the focus on a physical exhibit and at the same time allows visitors to seamlessly switch to virtual representations of the exhibit's original appearance and context.Humancentered computingMixed / augmented realityApplied computingInteractive learning environmentsA Projection-Based Augmented Reality Setup for Blended Museum Experiences10.2312/egve.201713665-6