Wetzels, FlorianMasood, Talha BinList, Nanna HolmgaardHotz, IngridGarth, ChristophTominski, ChristianWaldner, ManuelaWang, Bei2024-05-172024-05-172024978-3-03868-251-6https://doi.org/10.2312/evs.20241069https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/evs20241069This paper presents a prototypical visualization for the analysis of light-induced dynamics in molecules. It utilizes topological distances to find temporal patterns in scalar fields representing the electronic structure of such molecules and to illustrate the evolution of their features. It also provides a means to correlate these findings to the geometric evolution of the molecules.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseExploring Electron Density Evolution using Merge Tree Mappings10.2312/evs.202410695 pages