Otaduy, Miguel A.Tamstorf, RasmusSteinemann, DenisGross, Markus2015-02-232015-02-2320091467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01396.xWe present an algorithm for robust and efficient contact handling of deformable objects. By being aware of the internal dynamics of the colliding objects, our algorithm provides smooth rolling and sliding, stable stacking, robust impact handling, and seamless coupling of heterogeneous objects, all in a unified manner. We achieve dynamicsawareness through a constrained dynamics formulation with implicit complementarity constraints, and we present two major contributions that enable an efficient solution of the constrained dynamics problem: a time stepping algorithm that robustly ensures non-penetration and progressively refines the formulation of constrained dynamics, and a new solver for large mixed linear complementarity problems, based on iterative constraint anticipation. We show the application of our algorithm in challenging scenarios such as multi-layered cloth moving at high velocities, or colliding deformable solids simulated with large time steps.Implicit Contact Handling for Deformable Objects10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01396.x559-568