Li, XuyuDingliana, JohnAbey CampbellClaudia KrogmeierGareth Young2023-12-042023-12-042023978-3-03868-236-31727-530X this poster, we present work-in-progress exploring the intuitive authoring of Mixed Reality (MR) content using physical object manipulation, tangible 3D user interfaces, and the creation of MR within MR itself. To assess this approach, we implemented an MR-based system enabling novice users to tangibly create MR scenes within MR. The system, prototyped on the Microsoft HoloLens 2, allows users to create digital scenes by manipulating a physical box and a tangible 3D user interface. A pilot study was conducted to provide a preliminary evaluation and to inform future system development and deeper study design.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Mixed / augmented realityHumancentered computing → Mixed / augmented realityTangibleMRCreate: Intuitive Authoring of Mixed Reality Content10.2312/egve.2023133925-262 pages